Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee

salmon man        Todd Johnson
email me
406-249-2711 (Todd's cell)
406-756-3465 (Kate's cell)
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Kate Hunt (wife)
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About Us
      I am a commercial salmon fisherman based out of Port Moller, Alaska. I own and operate the fishing vessel Jenmarann. I just purchased the Jenmarann which is a forty foot RSW gillnet boat. My former boat was the Equalizer which still fishes in the area. My experience as a commercial fisherman dates from 1978. I have had numerous crewmembers including my wife and my son Arlo. Port Moller is located on the north side of the Alaska Peninsula at Entrance Point which is the southern most point of Bristol Bay. I fish in the cold waters south of Unimak Island, which is the first of the Aleutian Islands, in June. For the balance of the season I fish the Bering Sea coast around Port Moller. These fisheries are closely managed and sustainable. The waters are clean and the wildlife abundant.
      I will be gone fishing this summer and will be expanding my product lines after my return. Keep checking the website for updated information.      
     The season for the fleet and myself is June, July and August. I am filled with anticipation and excitment each year as I prepare to head north. I am committed to providing you with the best seafood available.

"The Drifter outside of Bear River"
Yvonnes map

Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee